It Felt Amazing to Actually be Doing Something for Me
"I knew that doing coaching was something that I really wanted to be able to help so many more people, and better myself in so many other ways..."
I had probably a really challenging 18 months. It was really emotionally draining with my teenage son, who's going through mental health issues.
I have been running my business of 14 years, and in my therapy. I had sort of lost my passion, I had lost my drive, I had lost burn. I knew I wasn't doing business well.
I didn't feel like I was doing anything well. I really just knew I needed to do something.
"It felt amazing to actually be doing something for me, and be focusing on me. I know that it was something that I really wanted to do, and I knew that doing coaching was something that I really wanted to be able to help so many more people, and better myself in so many other ways..."
It felt amazing to actually be doing something for me, and be focusing on me.
I know that it was something that I really wanted to do, and I knew that doing coaching was something that I really wanted to be able to help so many more people, and better myself in so many other ways.
I just knew that this was the vehicle for me, and this was what I really needed to be doing to step up that next level, both for my clients and for myself as well, and for my son.
He's been a huge driving force behind everything, as far as me starting my business as a single mum. Not having a cent to my name hardly, and starting up a business from scratch.
I think the biggest thing from the Foundations training, and I still remember it, it was Joe saying that "If the mother duck doesn't move and take action, the ducks aren't going to line up."
I just get that picture coming up all the time in my head. It's like, I'm the mum, I'm the business owner, I'm the CEO.
It's up to me to actually take some action. It's up to me to actually take that first step.
I've actually loved being able to express my emotions.
That was something that I had suppressed for such a long time.
What I'm finding is the more I express my emotions, and the more I give, and the more I champion others, I'm getting text messages from clients flat out saying "Thank you so much. I feel amazing." I'm getting, it's just so much of that warmth back, and it's so great to actually be able to give it out and be having it come back now.
Oh it's just a gift really. It's amazing to be able to, like I've been there done that. I'm very much a doer, and a hands on sort of person, and feely, touchy feely kind of person.
So being able to actually share all of those experiences with people, and people are seeing a change in me.
They're noticing who I'm being, and what I'm doing differently. They want some of that, and they're curious.
They're interested, they want to know what can I do next, and how can I discover those emotions. It's really kind of cool.
Yeah, totally.
It's amazing to feel the change yourself, but it's even greater to see other people see the change.
"Oh it's just a gift really. It's amazing to be able to, like I've been there done that. I'm very much a doer, and a hands on sort of person, and feely, touchy feely kind of person. So being able to actually share all of those experiences with people, and people are seeing a change in me..."
I would say it's a game changer, it's life changing.
It's something that you really need to do.
It was one of the best decisions signing up, coming to The Coaching Institute, and this amazing community.
There is so much support, there is so much love, there is so much championing going on. I would recommend highly that you take this opportunity onboard, and really just give it a go.
Doing Foundations of Coaching Success was a monumental moment in Annette's journey. Continuing on this path and joining The Coaching Institute Annette has become closer to those around her, her son and herself.