I’ve developed of a lot of trust for myself
I've found that the frameworks and the education that we learn at The Coaching Institute have given me really great structure to help myself.

We can't change our life by thinking about it, the change happens by doing it
We can't change our life by thinking about it, the change happens by doing it. What is it that Tony Robbins says?
If you're in your head, you're dead.
Because you were going to sit there thinking about it and planning instead of actually doing it. You've got to do it.
I think I am where I am, and I've come a long way from where I was because I've taken action. And I'm sharing this message of amazingness.
I feel like for the first time in the 29 years of me being alive, knowing, and consciously being aware of these models, I really see myself and other people clearly. I feel like I don't need to change myself anymore and I can love me when my authentic self comes out and it's because I'm learning how to love me where I'm at.
"It's just amazing to be able to share my story and to connect to it again"
We have to step into the unknown and the uncertainty...
We have to do the thing that scares the shit out of us. We have to step into the unknown and the uncertainty, and in the end, realize that we have the resilience that we need to go to the next thing.
But what I have done though, which is really awesome, is I've found that the frameworks and the education that we learn at The Coaching Institute has given me really great structure to help myself. And so, this work has led me to that, and I'm then able to amplify that work.
I wasn't going to put up with being in a rut anymore. I was sick and tired of feeling like crap. And on the outside world, I looked like I had it all together, like I was pretty, I had a great job, you know? I'm funny, like no one saw who I was and what I'd been through.
I learned here that I can be a mess, and I'm still a warrior. At times, I feel like I'm broken, but I'm not, I'm never broken.
Live your dream whatever that looks like...
As a result of me becoming more curious and actually knowing how to ask really great questions, I have a wonderful relationship with my dad. I don't think anyone's really asked him questions.
We've been able to be really vulnerable together, and he grew up in an environment where men crying wasn't okay.
People like yourselves who are wanting to explore your journey more, it matters so much...
"Serving where we are, and we'll work it out along the way with awesome people."
It's just amazing to be able to share my story and to connect to it again with people like yourself who are wanting to explore your journey more, it matters so much. And it's a really big deal, and we only have one life!
No one really knows what's going to happen at the end but we better make the most of what we've got. And we'd better find some really epic people to do it with!
"However I show up in this space with you guys at the end of the day, I know you've got me."