I Finally Belonged Somewhere at The Coaching Institute

I started to feel like I finally belonged somewhere at The Coaching Institute. I knew that I had found my passion but now had a whole community ready to support me through the next part of my journey.

Sian Howell
Sian HowellCredentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching

I started with TCI in 2015, completing my Foundations of Coaching Success (FOCS) training in October of that year. I get such a giggle when I reflect back on what my first live training experience was like because

in the beginning I thought everything was a big hoax!

The reason I thought this was because from the moment I entered the building, I was greeted with smiling friendly faces, I saw people hugging one another and chatting over coffee and the TCI team looked like they were having some kind of a party.

I wasn’t entirely sure if I was just tired from my red-eye flight or if I was having some crazy dream, either way I proceeded with caution. I was that person who sat in the same chair at the back of the room each day, knew my exit points and could observe every single person in the room from where I sat.

"As the training unfolded I felt my walls come down just a bit more and started to feel like I finally belonged somewhere. I knew that I had found my passion but now had a whole community ready to support me through the next part of my journey."

Sian Howell
Sian HowellCredentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching

At lunchtimes I would look for the empty table in hopes to be left alone (but not really) because I actually wanted somebody to approach me, I just didn’t feel confident enough to do it myself.

As the coaching classes commenced, I felt my walls come down just a bit more and started to feel like I finally belonged somewhere.

I knew that I had found my passion but now had a whole community at TCI, ready to support me through the next part of my journey.

Before my journey with The Coaching Institute started, I was working at Immigration Detention centre’s as a security officer, which I did for the 3.5 years.

I was good at my job. I worked long hours, got paid well and discovered that I was tough, resilient and determined.

What I didn’t like about the job was the toxic environment, never really “clocking off” from work because it was always on the news and the fact that I had become quite a heavy drinker.

During that same time period, I had experienced a series of major life events that turned my life upside down. Because I had no real coping mechanisms I didn’t know how to process or grieve many of these events.

When I finally finished my job I had an identity crisis which lead to a mental breakdown, but not before I pushed my limits in my first body building competition. (Addicted to stress much?!)

In 2016 I started a business with a “wing it/hobbyist” attitude and this changed when I eventually decided to go “all-in.”

I rebranded and launched my “Alchemy with Sian” business in June 2018, which also includes the modalities of Tarot and Reiki.

I had experienced such success that in October 2018 I went from being home-based, to leasing a commercial space where I’ve spent the last 6 months.

In April I will be renting a space from a yoga studio to allow for flexibility in my new job at Fernwood Fitness – something I’ve had on my vision board for 4 years!

I will be adding my personal training certification to my repertoire with a goal to become a member motivator and mindset coach at the club by the end of this year.

A majority of my clients who see me for healing are military/prison officers, government workers or nurses.

People in high stress industries who are curious about spirituality and self-development but enjoy scientific, evidence based practices.

I originally joined TCI for the purpose of self-improvement, however after seeing how much I’ve been able to reshape every aspect of my life; it felt too important to not share with others!

Sian Howell
Sian HowellCredentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching

One of the things I’ve loved about the coaching journey is how adaptable the modality is!

Having the tools to be able to approach things with different levels of thinking is what will help me stand out from some of the other “spiritual” or “fitness” based practices already in the market.

Coaching is popping up everywhere now, so I’m really glad that I have the extra time and experience at TCI under my belt!

I have learned that it’s important to take the time to reflect on decisions that may seem unwise under the gaze of hindsight. For me “saying yes and working out how” was not the best idea for my finances but I made it work and now have a better strategy for the future.

I have learned that hindsight is a sign of growth because we now know something we didn’t know before!

An area that I am focused on improving is my flexibility and trusting I know enough. I’ve had coaching sessions which I have planned content for – that gets thrown out the window because sometimes my clients turn up needing something else on that particular day.

I currently have over 70+ paid clients through coaching, tarot and reiki have been nominated for NT Young Achiever award, guest blog and speak and much more which I wouldn’t have been able to achieve without TCI.

I aspire to be a brand ambassador or role model to help support the self-love movement.

Within a day of writing it down in my vision journal, I received a message on Facebook from a modelling agency who were coming to Darwin.

They invited me to their event and I said yes because I thought that I could always offer my coaching services to help them run future events… J But turns out, this part of my journey had more to give.

When I discovered that I had been selected for the National Qualifiers in Perth, I almost gave up out of fear as I had attached such painful meaning to the place after living there in 2013.

I decided to throw away those old thoughts, booked my tickets and look forward to anchoring a whole new experience!

The stuff I’ve learned through TCI just keeps on giving and has become part of my being.

My biggest goal for the next 12 months is publishing my deck of oracle cards that I am currently working on.

I will keep building my business and finding unique ways to showcase my services and when everything goes well with my modelling aspirations (hehe) embody my own brand.

I’m only just getting started! 6 more years to overnight success… I could not thank TCI enough, freaking game-changer!

With Love, Sian xo


Sian joined The Coaching Institute in 2015, originally thinking everything was a big hoax as the community seemed too good to be true. She soon realised this was the reality, let her walls down and began feeling like she finally belonged somewhere. She found her passion and a community ready to support her on this journey. Sian currently has over 70 paid clients, is nominated for awards and is a consistent guest writer and speaker on respected blogs and channels. She aspire s to be a brand ambassador and role model to help support the self-love movement. Her next step is to continue building her business and finding unique ways to showcase her services.

Sian Howell
Sian HowellCredentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
Hosted and Managed by Logic Minds