In 2016 I started a business with a “wing it/hobbyist” attitude and this changed when I eventually decided to go “all-in.”
I rebranded and launched my “Alchemy with Sian” business in June 2018, which also includes the modalities of Tarot and Reiki.
I had experienced such success that in October 2018 I went from being home-based, to leasing a commercial space where I’ve spent the last 6 months.
In April I will be renting a space from a yoga studio to allow for flexibility in my new job at Fernwood Fitness – something I’ve had on my vision board for 4 years!
I will be adding my personal training certification to my repertoire with a goal to become a member motivator and mindset coach at the club by the end of this year.
A majority of my clients who see me for healing are military/prison officers, government workers or nurses.
People in high stress industries who are curious about spirituality and self-development but enjoy scientific, evidence based practices.