I can really sit with myself which is huge. My previous pattern was to not having the emotional intimacy it's been distracted, do things, busy, busy, busy. Now, I actually have the patience and compassion to actually sit with myself and be with my feelings. Like now I can be with my anxiety, I talk to myself, self soothe and just let it run which is been massive for me. This decision really changed how I look at myself as a person. Life Coaching actually made me patient and much more compassionate towards myself.
A specific example was before the program. I'm currently a avid obstacle racer and so I recently did a Sparta Ultra and another one last year. The one I did last year, I had a lot of anxiety coming up, a lot of fear, a lot of worry. I actually had a panic attack on course, I didn't finish it. And the one I did recently, I finished it and smashed my time and I just allowed my emotions to come and go, like I didn't go into my head about it. This just shows that how one right decision, one courageous step can change your life forever.
I feel self trust and self pride...
I took the Your Ultimate Self training course and I feel amazing about it. I feel self trust and self pride. I also feel so much self-belief that, you know what I can actually handle whatever challenges come and handle it on my own. Now I know whatever emotion that comes up, I know that it's not going to hang there, it'll pass and actually now some emotions now I use now to me benefits. For example, I'd use functional anger if I need strength for assertiveness or confidence.