Best strategy to get more clients for your coaching business

Every love story starts with a meeting. Here's how to attract clients and keep them forever.

Every great romance, from the most spotlit and storied to those which unfold with quiet brilliance over decades in suburbia, starts with a single meeting. And that's exactly how you're going to get more clients for your coaching business.

Starting a coaching practice or boosting your existing one during coronavirus could feel like a tough proposition given there's no face to face meetings, but truth is there's never been a better time to be a coach.

Here's how to find your perfect matches online. Or as The Coaching Institute's chief extraordinary office Elysium 'Glam' Nguyen puts it, 'How to help your market fall in love with you even if they've never met you.'

"Right now we can't connect in person but there's nothing stopping us connecting online," said Glam at TCI's groundbreaking three day How To Create A Thriving Home Based Coaching Business summit.

"We have more people than ever coming to us. It's completely possible online to become the only person in your market's mind that they'd love to get to know better, then become the only coach they trust and want to do business with."

Take it away, Glam.

So, let's go over Glam's step by step strategy to get more clients for your coaching business.


You need to meet in the right place at the right time.

Right now, with all offline opportunities off the table, that means if you're not online you don't exist. You need to think about who you want to be as a coach, how you want to show up and which clients you want to serve. Then "work out where they hang out and which circles you have in common," said Glam.

That means social media. For online marketing, "the beginner's suite is Facebook, Insta, LinkedIn and your website," said Glam. "That's your starter kit."

Also keep in mind other social platforms including YouTube and Twitter, and hit up online networking events or post blogs that add value to current discussions around coaching.

Take a cohesive approach. Work out where you see yourself working. If it's in the personal coaching space, Insta and Facebook will be for you. If it's in the business space, hone in on LinkedIn.

Then to make sure it's the right time to meet you, you have to be everywhere all the time. The best to do that is to have regular content that's shared across all your platforms.

"It's not about frequency," says Glam. "It's more to do with consistency. One small step consistently is better that trying to jump ten steps at once. Start with a doable goal, even if it's once a month so the impression is that you're reliable.

"People will learn to count on you."

Inspired? Here's how to bring it home if you want to get more clients for your coaching business.


So, you and your future clients have noticed each other. "This is all about 'How to be the one when your market meets you'", said Glam.

"People fall in love with you and your mission, not what you sell. So the key thing is introducing yourself in a way that makes clients want to fall in love with you, learning how to language your value."

Start with using your name and the business you want to have. Then in three dot points, list your product or services you would deliver through your relationship with your future client and three key benefits your market would achieve.

Bring it home with "I trust this is the beginning of us ... " and insert whatever is relevant to what's possible in their future. It could be, "Us getting to know each other and build the business you've always dreamed of." Then finish off with a doable action for the next contact: "I look forward to our next Zoom meeting."

Advised Glam, "The golden rule of marketing is you always bring it back to one step they could take next."

In a nutshell, you've said how you serve, how your products and services translate into benefits, chunked it up to the bigger vision and goal, and futured paced the outcome they could have with you.

And there's your first marketing copy in the bag.


This is when you seal the deal, or become the only one in their mind.

Use TCI's set of 21 special questions and "you will understand your clients better than they know themselves," said Glam. "You will become the only one for you in their mind."

Go find some business chemistry!

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