The One Question To Ask Yourself When Dealing With Conflict

Let's face it, we've all been there at some point in time. Hard life situations. Difficult days. Being in situations of conflict or drama is no fun. On a particularly difficult day, I remind myself that so far, my track record for getting through difficult days is 100%...

The One Question To Ask Yourself When Dealing With Conflict

We've all been there at some point in time.

Hard life situations. Difficult days.

Being in situations of conflict or drama is no fun.

I get that --

It may seem as though there is no escape or choice.

But there is always a choice. And the best choice we can make?

It’s to choose love over drama.

To live a compassionate life.

To be free of the weight of drama and conflict.

Whenever I find myself dealing with conflict, in a hard place I ask myself “Where is the love in this?”

Next time you find yourself in a situation where you or another could be hurt or belittled just take a step back and think: Is this from a loving place? Does this help me and others or does it hurt us?

If it is not from a place of compassion you don’t need to continue. You can choose not to.

On a particularly difficult day, it's worth reminding yourself that so far, your track record for getting through difficult days is 100% 🙂

That choice has the potential to help you, and the people around you expand to new areas of love and happiness. As it is a choice to have a connection to compassion rather than a connection to toxicity and shaming and drama.

Only you can do this...

I trust this was valuable.

Your Turn...

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