11 Lies new life coaches tell themselves and how to overcome them
Here's how to short circuit those negative voices in your head that are holding you back
There are 11 major lies new life coaches tell themselves. Here they are, and here's how to overcome them.
As a new coach, you absorb so many new techniques, a new mindset, and a whole new approach to life.
As coaches, we get to practise what we preach. It’s immensely important to 'be the change' before you offer the gift of coaching to your clients.
The mind is a wonderful thing. It’s also a big liar when it comes to our 'true beliefs'.
It holds the capacity to convince you to think thoughts that aren’t necessarily true. Form negative opinions about things that matter. And worst of all, lie to you.
Has this ever happened to you?
You’re lying wide-awake at night, staring at the ceiling, wondering why things aren’t going the way you’d like them to? Perhaps it’s the dilemma of finding a consistent flow of new clients. Or setting up your business and IT systems.
Whatever it is, you’ll agree that the nagging mind doesn’t make it any better.
Almost everyone goes through these motions. Here's the biggest lies new life coaches tell themselves (and what to do about it):
Don’t buy everything your mind tells you. Don’t take it too seriously, because a majority of the time, it likes to play a smooth liar. Life’s too short to wait any longer, so make a promise, get up and go do it. Sooner or later, your mind will come around and you won't be battling lies new life coaches tell themselves.
And if you need more assistance to break through the barriers, we’re here to help! You can start by grabbing your free “Getting Started as a Life Coach” Gift Pack Valued At $297. You get an audio CD “What you can achieve with The Coaching Institute”, a coaching starter pack describing the sorts of people who make great coaches, a DVD conversation with a master coach and more.