Three Ways Your Coaching Business Can Thrive Now

"Turn up your love," says The Coaching Institute's Matt Lavars. Your community needs you!

If you're a coach, you're going through tough times because of the coronavirus outbreak, but this is an amazing opportunity to really be able to do some good in the world, and keep your coaching business afloat.

While coronavirus has stopped a stack of businesses in its tracks, coaching isn't really affected by social isolation rules.

"And that's quite a wonderful thing to have. You have a business model which can survive these times," says Matt Lavars, head trainer at The Coaching Institute.

"Even more than that, you can have a business model which can thrive.

"There's so many people that need you."

So find a quiet corner at home, and get ready to rock.

"You can really continue to service your clients through the wonderful world of social media, live streaming and Zoom calls, Skype calls, Facebook groups and online programs," says Matt.

"Even more than that I would recommend you turn up your support. Turn up your care. Turn up your love."

Here's how to get the ball rolling:

"Keep running your business," says Matt.

"Reach out to existing clients. Help them check in with their mindset."

Key things to find out:

1.) Are your clients thinking in a way that's resourceful?

2.) Do they have the right support to get through this?

3.) Are they finding they're feeling more emotionally reactive during these times, and do they need you even more?

"I think it's probably a good idea to reach out and offer a few more sessions and turn up the level of contact," says Matt.

Remember that this is not an opportunistic situation

"From a business point of view, we shouldn't be coming from a mindset of 'how can I make as much money as possible," says Matt.

"Go and help those people and serve those people. In these times, there's really no excuse not to do that. You have so much to give."

TCI is so convinced coaches have never been more needed than now that founder Remi Pearson has announced a global coaching initiative called Coach Your Neighbour. Remi is calling on coaches from all over the world to join reach out to one person and offer their services for free.

Giving back means getting back, and we don't have to wait for this to pass before making a difference.

"If ever there was a time to do this, it's right now, so let me know what you think about it," said Remi in a February 23 podcast.

"If we as coaches can come together around the world and find one person—just one person—whose lives we can touch in a positive way using the amazing gift of coaching we have, it would be incredible."

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