Some of my happiest early memories are of my best friend's mother suggesting each weekend we make some perfume for Mrs Cross or draw a picture of the garden, how about picking a posy of flowers? I got an early dose of significance as her eyes would always light up when we came and she'd delight in dabbing on our floury water with squashed flowers in it. It was many years later all these "relatives" we visited were lonely, elderly women with no family. Mrs Targett would take us to visit to be kind, grateful and present. She was the most beautiful S energy always thinking of a way to make someone smile simply because she had a beautiful soul who saw the beauty in others, and how a simple gesture can make a world of difference to someone.
I don't know how new this give and give mentality is. I do know it was one of the major reasons I was attracted to TCI. Three years in I continue to love our community so much because it's so deeply embedded in our culture. I mean who's ever heard SP say "hang on, what's in it for me?" Sharon, Joe, Fiona, Matt and all the team continue to give and search for even more ways to give! Seeing their continuing success I'm pretty comfortable SP's on the money when she says "look after others and don't ask me how but you'll be taken care of." Pardon the paraphrasing.
Think of successful people in your life you're attracted to. Are they stingy with their ideas? Secretive and evasive? Of course not. We're attracted to and want to hang with people who give their knowledge, respect and kindness freely, they share an idea, a possible new angle to a challenge with a smile.
I recently read an article by Sean Blanda who stated when it comes to when and how we help others, most of us fit into one of three categories;
- Givers, who help others unconditionally, demanding nothing in return.
- Matchers, who usually only help those who have helped them.
- Takers, those who demand help but never offer.
Interestingly, he suggests givers are usually either at the top or bottom of their chosen field with matchers and takers in the middle. At first I thought why on earth would they be on the bottom? That doesn't make sense? And then I remembered me before I joined TCI. I gave because of a lack of self worth, that I might be accepted if I give more. It was some deep reflection and high quality brain frying with
Meta Dynamics I began to learn and create a new language around what giving truly means.