The Thought Dynamics Model

Thought Dynamics is the school of thinking that shows us how to approach a challenge, a problem or a situation, so that all areas that need to be considered can be integrated into the solution or the path forward

When asked: “How would you solve that problem?” most people say they would look at the problem, talk about it, find solutions. That’s fine, although not a transferable skill that works consistently. Thought Dynamics gives us a replicable model for solving problems and brainstorming solutions that is transferable to others. This means we can be a mentor for others in a systematic way. The Thought Dynamics Model asks us to study any situation from four different directions.

  1. What is the purpose of this situation? What is it supposed to achieve? What is its ideal outcome?
  2. What are the resources available to us? What are the criteria we have to consider when looking for solutions? What are the different elements of this to consider? What are the benchmarks for success we are aiming for?
  3. What do we actually need to do? What is the implementation process? How closely is what we’re doing aligned with the ideal? Will what we are doing achieve our outcome? Is it sustainable?
  4. Who is doing this?


The model is looking at four dimensions of experience:

  1. Environment – the purpose
  2. Structure – the ideal process to follow
  3. Implementation – the actual process followed
  4. People – who’s involved and who needs to be trained

This thinking model means we know how to approach each challenge and arrive, consistently at sound outcomes.

Applying the Thought Dynamics Model

For example, the question is asked if we should install a new client management system into the business.

Question #1: What’s the purpose of this?

  • To provide consistent, outstanding service and support to our members.

Question #2: What do we need to consider? What are the elements we need to be across?

  • We need to consider:
    • How this is better than what we have already
    • What it will need to give us that we don’t have
    • What the critical elements to consider about this are
    • What the benchmarks for excellence would be

Question #3: What do we need to do?

  • Investigate alternatives
  • Consider this is terms of our desired outcomes
  • Be clear on what it would conflict with currently
  • Plan how to roll it out

Question #4: Who needs to be involved?

  • Project leader

Thought Dynamics recognises that there is a logical sequence to asking questions that will allow the best outcome to be achieved. It’s more advanced than the G.R.O.W. Model. It provides more challenging and required critical thinking to a situation.

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