In the words of The Coaching Institute's Joe Pane, “You’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting.”
Most of us are stuck in our comfort zone. The most basic scientific definition of a comfort zone is a behaviour that keeps your anxiety levels to the minimum.
Although comfortable and safe, after a while, the zone also gets boring. Anything that increases your anxiety level lies outside your comfort zone. And although no one seeks out ways to become anxious, a little bit of anxiety can help you hit the sweet spot and create wonders for your personal well-being and growth.
Embracing the new and finding things to do for yourself starting today won’t always feel safe and easy, but it’ll be worth it as you gradually get rid of inexperience and let awareness in.
Perhaps you want to learn a new language or one day travel across the world alone. Maybe you want to build a new career utilising the potential you know you have. Whatever it is for you, you can go discover new things and realise how much bigger the world is than you thought it was.
It’s so easy to get caught up in your own world, your own little bubble, that you don’t notice everything going on around you. Continue to learn, keep challenging yourself, and build up momentum in doing so.
What to do next
Find that middle ground between becoming anxious, but with manageable levels of anxiety.
The way to do this is by regularly challenging your comfort zone in manageable steps and become okay with constant growth.
That way, you will increase the number of things you’re comfortable with and bring in novelty in your life, which is directly linked to the dopamine in the brain.