5 Inspiring Super-Mums Became Successful Coaches

Who says women can’t have a successful family AND a successful career?

Today I was reading through some of The Coaching Institute coaches’ stories looking for inspiration, and sure enough, there are some incredible women out there leading incredible lives… Success AND family!

At The Coaching Institute we believe that it takes passion to truly inspire the extraordinary through coaching... and who are more passionate, determined, and inspiring than mums?
Today I was reading through some of The Coaching Institute coaches’ stories looking for inspiration, and sure enough, there are some incredible women out there leading incredible lives. They have success AND family!
They came from different backgrounds,  had different life experiences and faced different challenges.
...But they also share the same passion and determination to become the best version of themselves, to make a difference through coaching, to stop waiting for inspiration and start BEING their own inspiration.
Whether nothing in life is going your way, or event if everything in life is going your way, there’s nothing like an inspiring real life story to help you  connect with your purpose and with what really matters.
Here are the 4 extraordinary stories of 4 real-life SUPER-Moms who are truly super-heroines in their own right: Lana, Stephanie, Tina and Sharron...

"I’m Committed to Being a Successful Coach and Live My Life on Purpose and with Meaning"

Jane Cann, TCI Accredited Professional Coach

"WOW… the journey I am now on was not even a possibility in my thinking three years ago… All my life, I had been there for others, with my big heart, an open mind, and compassionate curiosity. My children were in their last year of Primary School, my active role within the school community was coming to an end, and I wondered for the first time in a long time… who am I becoming?...

And it was in that moment, whilst in the waiting room, that an advert came up on my phone for The Coaching Institute... I do not believe in signs, however, I do believe in our brain’s ability to hunt out the information we are seeking..."

"From the very moment I met Fiona at The Coaching Institute headquarters and said YES, the whole place erupted in song, bell ringing, and celebration. I have never experienced such a delight from others around an important decision that put me first. Since that moment, I have experienced the amazing support of all the team at The Coaching Institute.

The Coaching Institute has enabled me such flexibility in my learning towards to make my dream of becoming a coach, a resounding success."

Jane Cann Coach Success

"I wanted to take the Foundations of Coaching Success learning's and apply to running a coaching business.

Every template, video recording, audio, live webinars are focused on creating a top-level success coaching with a smart business mindset.

Having access on a weekly basis to the internationally acclaimed coach in Remi Pearson is an absolute honour and being accountable in stepping up to the next level is now the next step in my life long learning."

"My journey will never end. I am committed to being a successful coach commercially and live my life on purpose and with meaning . . .

This means creating wealth to share with my family and provide an invaluable service to others. How cool is that?

Thank you so much, to Remi Pearson and to everyone at The Coaching Institute!!"

Jane Cann
- Accredited Professional Coach

“The Bigger Picture: Vivid, Bright and Expanding Daily!”

lana mayes smiling whilst at a mountain range

“I am a mother to two young boys.  My journey into parenting had felt like one challenge after another.  Our first son was born with a deformity, our second son arrived via an extremely painful and high-risk pregnancy, and both children suffered ongoing health issues…”

“One day I realised I needed to make some changes, for myself and for the good of my family. I knew I wanted to challenge myself to continue growing and becoming the best version of me.

Deciding to sign up to the Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching course, was for me the pathway to beginning my own personal development, and learning how to more serve others”

“Learning that I have choices in every moment, and uncovering what contribution and growth mean to me has been a huge influence.

Overall, it has been about taking one small step at a time.

With a 1 & 3 year old running around the house, progress can at times feel very slow, but the bigger picture is vivid and bright and expanding daily.  Even more than that, I know I can fulfil it.”
Lana Mayes
- ICG Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching

“My investment in The Coaching Institute is worth more than my weight in gold!”

Stephanie at training session

“Before I started my journey with The Coaching Institute I worked in roles that I had no passion in, I was basically trying to survive each day at work.

I then fell pregnant with my beautiful boy and soon after I had him I fell pregnant again with my daughter…

On delivery of my daughter I almost lost my life, I then suffered post-traumatic stress and of course pain for the many things I had lost.”

“My desperation to overcome my pain and struggle is how I started to look for more in life, from this I found The Coaching Institute…

The teachings of how to think outside our boundary conditions, be a better human being and a leader has assisted us in creating, growing and maintaining our team and providing a professional service to our clientele.”

“A few things that really stick out for me are the teachings in how to deal with fear because there is a lot of it in business, know who you are and what you stand for and beliefs.

We dared to dream and we still dare to believe we will become greater then what we already are.”

Stephanie D'Ovidio
- ICG Master Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching

“Didn’t Really Know What the Word ‘More’ Meant to Me, I Just Simply Knew that I Wanted It!”

Sharon and Tina smiling in selfie

“I am a single parent working full time, and solely raising a 7 year old.

I have a mortgage, I was always busy doing ‘stuff’ and I was just making ends meet, which ultimately meant I was living a pretty mediocre life (of course I didn’t know that at the time).

I wanted so much more for my daughter and wanted so much more for myself. I just didn’t know how...”

“That was of course until my saving grace (kick in the pants) through the form of a phone call came from an exceptional man in the WOW team, Matt. The life transforming conversation.”

“I am using my previous successes in Health and Well-being through Personal Training in Fitness, I am able to draw on that experience and work with my clients to achieve their ultimate state of well-being.”

“I am now able to achieve all that I set out for myself in a resourceful way.

I am also an exceptional mother because of it, and am creating shifts in my daughter to ensure she grows into a resilient adult.

It has made me a more patient and supportive daughter to my parents who are also modelling me with their friends and, I am an even better friend to all of the wonderful people in my life right now.”

Tina Vercillo
- Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching Student

“I Have A Voice and The Coaching Institute Helped Me Find It!”

Profile Picture of Sharron Attwood
“If memory serves I found The Coaching Institute through an ad in the paper – so old school! This was all in the days before Facebook too…”
“It was an amazing find as just knowing I wasn’t alone on my quest was the best thing.”

“I have a background in Banking, Recruitment and Training. I loved working for the Bank. I thought they loved me too – but when corporate restructures happen – you can still get shown the door.

Life happened along the way though – my new found enthusiasm for life saw me have a baby at 39 years of age. The third person I called when I found out I was pregnant was at The Coaching Institute.”

“My business name is ‘Modern Etiquette’ – get noticed for all the right reasons! I work with my clients to achieve clear, confident and charismatic communication – of their brand and their personality.

This niche enables me to utilise my coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Meta Dynamics™, the Critical Alignment Model and my past experience!”

“I attribute my success to finally doing the do. I have all my balls up in the air along with the spinning plates - and that’s great. If one drops, I have others.

Keep moving and follow up!  Value your time – be strategic yet genuine as you build your networks. Say yes because you can figure out how.”

“Call the WOW team–they really do want to hear from you.”

Sharron Attwood
- ICG International Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
- Meta Dynamics Profiler
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