Unlock Your Full Potential & Help Others Do the Same with Remi Pearson & John Assaraf
Meet Remi Pearson & John Assaraf, two of the world's best experts on neuro-linguistic programming and neuroscience.
John and Remi recently sat down to have a conversation, talking about how to unlock your full potential and hit it off right away! Enjoy the video and let us know what you think in the comments.
John Assaraf is a world-renowned serial entrepreneur and brain researcher who has grown five multi-million dollar companies in the area of real estate, Internet software, brain research and business coaching.
He's the Founder of NeuroGym, a comprehensive program that helps you achieve your fullest potential you will enjoy more purpose, meaning and fulfillment in your life.
NeuroGym programs use the latest brain science to help you recognise and release any of the mental or emotional obstacles that are keeping you stuck at your current level of success. By retraining your brain, you stop standing at the edge of your full potential and fulfill more of what you're capable to achieve.
Remi Pearson, often refered to as "Superpreneur", is the Founder of The Coaching Institute and creator of several successful coaching and busines success programs, such as Ultimate Change Methodology, Meta DynamicsTM, Your Sucess, Ultimate Business Breakthrough, Ultimate Millionaire Marketing and Disruptive Leadership.
Through the Untimate Change Methodology, Remi and her team of researchers have come up with the four archetypes of personality to accurately assess strengths and stretches in your personal and professional development. Based on four dimensions in human behaviour, the model provides coaches, consultants and trainers with a framework for identifying where improvement opportunities are.
If you acknowledge the tap on your shoulder, if you want to turn that whisper into a roar by making a difference in the lives of others (while your dreams get taken care of), and if you want to find out more about coaching & what we do here at The Coaching Institute, then we invite you to connect with us at 1800 094 927-- it's worth a conversation!