How to Achieve Balance with the Wheel of Life

Take a moment to appreciate your Wheel of Life... What does it look like? Are there any surprises to you? Which areas would you like to pay closer attention to?

The Wheel of Life is a simple model that anyone can implement as a tool for self-assessment. This will by creating more balance and success. It has been developed to help you identify whether your life is in balance.

You have probably heard of this model before but you may not know actually how it can benefit your clients to improve the quality of their lives.

In times of stress or being busy, it is common for the wheel to be off balance. During a coaching session, this template will help your client identify areas that need more attention.

One area of their life might score a 9 or 10, but other areas may be neglected in the process and only score a 3 or 4. If the wheel is out of balance, it is an indicator that they might not be as fulfilled or satisfied as they could be.

How to Achieve Balance with the Wheel of Life

The wheel is broken into eight pieces, each with a score of 1-10, 1 being not so great and 10 being absolutely ideal.

Wheel of Life Exercise

Make your own Wheel of Life and rank your score in the wheel for each section by drawing a dot in the center line of each section (1 - centre point, 10 - outer circle point), and then join up the dots to see what shape your wheel is. If the wheel you end up with was on your car – how smooth would your ride be?

Get your client to take the same exercise. Each client is different, so will their current wheel. It is ideal that you revisit this exercise with your clients every 6 months and compare the before and after wheels.

Your turn now!

If you have a smooth wheel after connecting the dots, that's fantastic! It is important to maintain what are doing and to identify what areas you need to improve on and explore these ideas more to move them up the scale.

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